

Founded to share the joy and power of reading, New Haven Reads partners with the community to provide free one-on-one tutoring, educational family support, and a book bank to empower aspiring readers to master the literacy skills needed to thrive in school and life.

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400 students enrolled in one-on-one literacy tutoring
271 volunteers
390 hours of tutoring each week with
4 locations across New Haven
55,000 free books distributed
36 virtual field trips

100 of students improved their literacy scores
75% of students improved their independent reading level by one grade or more


Since 2001…
5,000 students tutored
6,000 volunteers
1.7 million books distributed

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  • Volunteer today, and be a great tutor! - New Haven Reads has the best tutors in the world! They are smart, kind, funny, and they show up for our students. Every. Single. Day. YOU can join them! For…
  • Support New Haven Reads! - New Haven Reads is creating a more equitable community where children can achieve their dreams and lifelong success through the power of reading. And, we need your financial support to…
  • Mural Dedication Ceremony - Mural Dedication Ceremony Thank you to everyone who joined us Saturday for the dedication of our mural! It was wonderful to hear Marsh explain her process and share it with…