Archive for the ‘Donor Spotlight’ Category

NHR volunteer and sustaining donor, Stephane Gerard.

Of the many ways to get involved with New Haven Reads, Stephane Girard personally participates in a good number of them.  He volunteered as a reading tutor from 2015 to 2018, and last year he joined the Spelling Bee committee. Thinking on his experience as a tutor, he said, “[The students’] motivation and personality make spending the hour with them a pleasure.”

He fondly remembered a moment when the word “entrepreneur” arose in his conversation with one student, and the questions that followed about what an entrepreneur does sustained a months long conversation that they revisited each week in their tutoring session. The student’s curiosity and drive to learn made Stephane think of his own experience as a non-native English speaker. When he was suddenly thrown into a predominantly English-speaking community, many people helped him to read in the new language so that he could do well for himself.

“With the ability to read comes a power of independence.”

His experience as a tutor led Stephane to join the ranks of NHR’s regular monthly donors, who help the organization expand and provide services to an ever-increasing number of students. In his charitable giving, Stephane seeks to promote information and education. He said that with New Haven Reads he knows his money is well invested, precisely because he has seen all the good that we actually accomplish in the lives of our students. These results help them on their way to becoming productive and independent members of society. “It’s not only a good cause, but a cause that has the means to achieve what it’s after,” he explained. “I’ve experienced it firsthand.”

Join Stephane and become a sustaining donor today!

Although she now lives across the globe in China, Bonnie D. is one of NHR’s longest-running sustaining donors.  We recently asked her some questions about her experience and why she contributes.

What kind of impact do you believe that NHR has on our community and the city of New Haven?

This type of organization is so important for New Haven–it’s a safe, friendly place for children to come and develop their reading skills. The community needs more of these types of places, and they need to have sufficient resources!

Why did you choose to become a Sustaining Donor, instead of making a one-time donation?

I have heard from friends working at non-profits that while one-time donations are good, regular donations (even if not that much at a time) are much better because they allow long-term budgeting as it’s a guaranteed income source.  So, I do all my donations as monthly donations.

What impact, if any, do you feel that your gift to NHR has had on you?

As I started giving monthly to New Haven Reads, I also became inspired to start volunteering again helping children read.

If you could describe your experience with NHR in one word, what would it be?
