
Support New Haven Reads

Since 2001, New Haven Reads has increased children’s literacy skills and promoted a love of reading in New Haven and beyond.

As listed below, there are many ways you can make a gift to New Haven Reads. For more information, contact Fiona Bradford, Communications and Development Director, at

Employer Identification Number (EIN): 76-0807330

Donate Today

Make a secure, online donation to support childhood literacy.

Make a One-Time Donation

Stocks & Securities

Support New Haven Reads through the gift of an appreciated asset. Please notify Janel Crite ( of what is being transferred, including the donor’s name and the number of shares.

Donations go to: LPL Brokerage, 800-724-6809

Account # 6989-8938
DTC: 0075

Name on the account: New Haven Reads Community Book Bank, Inc.

Tax ID: 76-0807330

Please notify Janel Crite (, Finance Director at New Haven Reads, if you have made an electronic stock transfer, what is being transferred including # shares and the name of the donor.

Become a Sustaining Donor

Monthly recurring gifts provide steady, reliable support.

Check out our Top 5 Reasons to Become a Sustaining Donor.

Make a Monthly Donation

Donate by Mail

Send your check to: New Haven Reads, 45 Bristol Street, New Haven, CT 06511.

Honorary Donations

Dedicate your donation to a friend or relative to show your appreciation or honor their memory.

Make a Honorary Donation

Wills and Planned Giving

Please remember New Haven Reads in your estate plan for a specific dollar amount or percentage.