Book Order Form

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What organization are you requesting the books on behalf of? If you are a teacher, please specify which school you teach at for our records.
If no website, please provide address & phone number.
We will use this to send notification when your book order is ready for pick up.
Would you like to join the New Haven Reads email list?
Please select Yes to join our general mailing list. If you are a teacher and would like to join the teachers only email list, which is used to send notifications about our Teacher Open House & Field Trips program, please select "Other."
Please provide a specific number. If none, please enter 0.
Please enter a specific number. If none, please enter 0.
Please enter a specific number. If none, please enter 0. Examples of non-fiction categories include history, biographies, religion, self-help, sports, political science, etc.
What types of children's books do you want?
If 0, please check "None."
What types of adult fiction books do you want?
If 0, please check "None."
What types of adult non-fiction books do you want?
Please note that we are not able to level book orders, nor are we able to look for books more specific than the categories listed above (eg picture, chapter, history, etc). If you are looking for particular reading levels, or high interest titles, or anything else in particular, I strongly suggest that you visit in person to select the books you would like.