Enrichment Training Videos
Tutor Training Video
Structured Literacy Training Session Three 6.22
This is video of our third session of Structured Literacy Training
Structured Literacy Training Session Two 3.12.22
This is a video of our second session of Structured Literacy training.
Structured Literacy Training Session One 1.22.22
This is a video of our first session of Structured Literacy training.
The Effects of COVID-19 on Students 1.30.21
Nakesha Alleyne, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker
2021 Summer Lecture Series
NHR Summer Lecture Series: Dr. Julie Washington- 7.17.2021
“Using Culturally Relevant Reading Materials to Promote Interest in Reading Among Underserved Students”
NHR Summer Lecture Series: Stella Betts and David Leven- 7.10.2021
“Three Ways of Looking at the Free Library”
2020 Summer Lecture Series
Summer 2020, New Haven Reads invited speakers from a variety of disciplines, ranging from sociology and linguistics to architecture and early childhood education. The series brought a variety of perspectives and research on language, learning, and literacy. The goal of this series was to enrich our collective understanding of critical and intersectional issues in education and literacy.
NHR Summer Lecture Series: Dr. Laura Raynolds- 7.18.20 “Learning to Read English-As an ESL Student”
NHR Summer Lecture Series: Dr. Carlotta Penn- 7.25.20 “Multicultural Perspectives on Languages and Literacies”
NHR Summer Lecture Series: Dr. Dave Braze- 8.1.20 “Parts of Language-Foundations of Reading
NHR Summer Lecture Series: Wendy North- 8.8.20 “Diagnosis of Dyslexia: Now What? Misperceptions of Dyslexia”
NHR Summer Lecture Series: Alan Plattus- 8.15.20 “Planned Inequality: The Right to Public Space in New Haven”
NHR Summer Lecture Series: Dr. Bryan Brown- 8.22.20 “Race, Language, and Culture: impact in urban classrooms”